Our company provides services for the registration of a transport company in Poland. Registration of this type of activity requires compliance with certain rules and procedures, knowledge of the legal system and the specifics of its significance.

We will provide legal support throughout the registration process. Our lawyers will help you understand the legal aspects of registering a moving company and ensure that you comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

Services we can provide to you:

Consulting and training:

Our lawyers will provide you with qualified advice on the requirements and procedures for registering a transport company in Poland, as well as on the intricacies of licensing.

Preparation of documents:

We will help you prepare all the necessary documents for the registration of a transport company. This includes obtaining an electronic signature for the founders, providing a legal address, as well as drafting statutory documents.

Sign up:

We will carry out the company registration process in accordance with the requirements of Polish law. This can be done without your presence and in the shortest possible time. Within 3-7 working days, your company will be registered in the National Court Register (KRS)

Financial aspects:

We will help you open a bank account for your company. We will also provide advice on the financial aspects and functioning of the transport company. This may include tax registration, accounting, and other issues related to the financial management of the company.


We provide services for obtaining a transport license in Poland. Our team of specialists has many years of experience and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the procedure for obtaining a transport license

Introduction of the transport company:

After completing the procedures mentioned above, our experts will assist you in the introduction of the transport company. This includes not only accounting and HR services, but also: assistance in obtaining leasing, legal support, tractors and trailers for rent, fuel cards, debt collection from customers and much more.

We have experience in the registration and introduction of transport companies in Poland and are ready to help you with all the processes of its establishment. Contact us to discuss your requirements and get more information about our services.