The advantage of a ready-made company with a license for domestic and international cargo transportation in Poland is the possibility to start business activities immediately after the purchase of such a company. In addition, there is no need to go through the time-consuming procedure of obtaining these licenses. A company that has a transport license issued in Poland can carry out activities related to cargo transportation throughout the territory of the European Union.

Our offer includes:

We provide comprehensive support for the purchase of ready-made companies, including the re-registration of a ready-made company to new owners, notification of all necessary state authorities, as well as assistance in complying with the criteria established by law for companies licensed to provide transport services, including regarding the motor transport / operating base, a certificate of professional competencies, as well as many other features related to the correct conducting business activities of a transport company in Poland.

The advantage of a ready-made company with a license for domestic and international cargo transportation in Poland is the possibility to start business activities immediately after the purchase of such a company. In addition, there is no need to go through the time-consuming procedure of obtaining these licenses. A company with a transportation license issued in Poland may carry out activities related to cargo transportation in the whole territory of the European Union.

We provide comprehensive support when buying ready companies, including re-registration of the ready company to the new owners, notification of all necessary state authorities, as well as assistance in complying with the criteria established by law for companies licensed to provide transport services, including road transport/operating companies. base, certificate of professional competence, as well as many other features related to the proper conduct of business activities of a transportation company in Poland.